Saturday, February 1, 2014

Quartzsite, AZ January 2014

Heading Home from Quartzsite
Thurs., Jan. 30 - Sat., Feb. 1

We were planning to leave Quartzsite this morning, but the wind has come up quite strong.  Strong enough to rock the trailer more than we want to handle on the highway, so we have decided to spend another night in Quartzsite.  We'll make it home in two days.  No need to go on the road in this weather.  Tomorrow will probably be calmer. 

I haven't posted any sunset photos recently, so these are samples from the last three or four days.  
This sunset made everything look so pink!

This is a view looking to the east, away from the setting sun.  This is not our trailer, but one in our group of friends.

On another evening, I was able to get some of the desert plants silhouetted against the sunset.

It's Friday morning and it is much calmer and nice and warm.  We will start on the way home.

We made it as far as Bakersfield, CA  and stayed at Orange Grove RV Park.  We have stayed here before at this time of year and it is always a treat.  You see, as the name suggests, this RV park is built in an orange grove and the oranges are ripe at this time of year.
I like the way they trim the trees behind the wall.
Our campsite surrounded by orange trees.
The owners are kind enough to let their customers pick oranges in certain areas of the orange grove.  This year was very hard on the orange groves.  There were many very cold nights and there was hardly any rain.  The fruit and trees had a lot of frost damage.  Many of the lower areas of the trees have been picked bare of oranges, but there are still enough for us.  The owners have fruit pickers that they loan out to the campers so we can get oranges off of the higher branches, as we demonstrate on Saturday morning before we leave on the last leg of our trip home. 

That was fun!  I don't know what variety the oranges are, but they are just as flavorful and juicy as what we have picked here on our previous visits.

We made it home in the early evening and now are home until our next adventure.

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