This is the official beginning of Quartzfest. This is a panorama of the main fire ring area. People are getting ready for the opening ceremony. We bring our chairs and set up so we can see the speakers. Several seminars take place in this location, as well as other areas in this location in the Arizona desert, during Quartzfest.

Here are a couple more views. As you can see, there are a lot of RVs out here in the desert and all of the activities are outdoors. There are many talks about different aspects of Amateur Radio, talks about the desert area and ‘”how to” do different things to adapt ham radio to RVing. Kris, the organizer of Quartzfest, is giving announcements.

We had speakers telling of the events and talks that they had scheduled for the coming week. The BLM Ranger talked about camping on BLM land and some of the rules and regulations.

After all of the business was taken care of, there was a door prize drawing. The traditional prizes of Yaesu world maps, Yeasu Hats, cookies and jam as well as some other special Ham Radio items were given out.
There is a special event station that people can use to contact other HAMs around the world. It is solar powered and has a hex beam antenna. The call sign for the station is W7Q. One of the things many Ham radio operators do is to try to contact as many of these special events as they can.
There was another beautiful sunset tonight.

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