Sunday, June 21, 2015

Adventure Caravans Traversing Michigan Tour June 19 - 21, 2015

Ypsilanti, MI, Arrival and First Day

We arrived at the Detroit/Greenfield RV Park on Friday evening.  We checked in with the wagonmaster for the Adventure Caravans Traversing Michigan Tour, then set up camp before dinner.  After dinner, we just rested and watched TV after having traveled over 2400 miles during the last week.

Saturday, we finished settling in because we will be here in Ypsilanti for a total of six nights before we move to the next location that we will be exploring on this adventure.  The RV Park is very nice.  It reminds us of Lake Tahoe in California only with deciduous trees instead of evergreens.  Otherwise, the sites are worked in among the trees and on forest floor dirt.  No cement pads or gravel here, which is nice.

You may have noticed the yellow squares on our truck and trailer.  Those are our identification as members of the Adventure Caravans Tour.  This is our third "adventure" with them, the other two being rallies at the Rose Parade and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.  Here is the front view and the rear view close up.

In addition to putting the signs on the truck and trailer, every unit that is going on the tour is pre-inspected by the staff to try to catch any minor or major problems that need to be taken care of before we start out.

There are a lot of activities at this campground.  It is also used as a day use park for the public.  There is a lake with swimming and play equipment.  We saw some folks fishing, but I don't know if they caught anything.

They also have a very nice playground

and a miniature golf course.

Our new friends that we met at the RV Park in Shelby, NE arrived Saturday afternoon, so we three couples went to dinner at a Chinese buffet.  We were careful not to overdo it this time even though the food was very good.

Today, Sunday, was the official beginning of the tour activities.  We went to a restaurant, Haab's, that has been in business since 1934.  We had a meeting where we found out that there are 22 rigs and, I think, 42 people in this caravan.  We are Number 11, alphabetically.  There is an 11 on our yellow sign.  The leaders told us what we can expect on this caravan tour and a little about what we would be doing tomorrow, then we had dinner.

After dinner, we were told about a "bingo" game that we would be playing sometime during the trip.  A card with 25 pictures of things that we would be seeing during our tour, arranged 5 X 5 like a bingo card, was given to each of us.  We were to have twenty-five people each sign a different square, then sometime we would use the card to play a bingo game.  Here everyone is trying to get the signatures that they need.

We need to be on the bus at 8:15 AM tomorrow, so I will continue with our adventure later.

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